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ThingsPanel 非官方标准MQTT协议设备接入

· 4 min read


  1. mqtt设备/网关发送和订阅主题与平台不一致并无法修改,怎么接入ThingsPanel平台?

  2. mqtt设备/网关json报文规范与平台规范不一致,怎么接入ThingsPanel平台?



  1. 在规则引擎中新建一条接入规则
  2. 拖拽一个mqtt in节点,填写设备主题接入数据
  3. 再拖拽一个mqtt out节点,与mqtt in节点连线
  4. mqtt out配置中需要添加新的mqtt-broker节点,根据平台mqtt网关/设备接入规则填写主题和认证方式(AccessToken接入填写用户名,MQTTBasic认证填写用户名和密码)
  5. 平台到设备的通信参考以上步骤
  6. 除了以上节点,合理使用其他功能节点,也可以转换报文规范并对设备传输的值加工和处理

ThingsPanel-0.3.0 was released, adding a rule engine, a permission system, and optimizing device access

· 2 min read
Jiyi Technology

Release notes

This release revises many of the questions raised by previous users, especially the management of large-scale devices, access to complex devices, and how to efficiently forward data to third parties.In addition, this time it is also an overall test of performance, simulating 10,000 devices to stress test the system, and achieving a single TimescaleDB node 5000 devices/s access capability (4 cores 8G).In terms of permissions, horizontal fine to the operation and button, a relatively complete RBAC permission support has been established.Of course, it also includes a lot of detail improvements.

ThingsPanel releases IoT mobile client (multi-image)

· One min read
Jiyi Technology

ThingsPanel is an underlying open source software of the Internet of Things, the main function is to collect device data, visualization, automation control, for many integrators, equipment vendors, solution providers to provide rapid product and delivery solutions.

ThingsPanel's mobile app is used to provide mobile management and control support to ThingsPanel.The main implemented functions include monitoring, control, policy, and device addition management.Is a lightweight client for ThingsPanel that supports SAAS scenarios.